Christmas at home in Palo Alto.
Christmas this year will be remembered by:
-a fun Christmas Eve spent with our dear friends, the Asays. Yummy food, Janet's beautifully decorated house and table, fun group games, doing the navity with all the kids.
-reading the "The Night Before Christmas" right before going to bed.
-feeling more excited about Christmas than ever before. I had no idea as a kid that my parents were actually more excited and having more fun than I was.
-doing the countdown and running down our hall to the living room (in keeping with tradition...hopefully someday we'll have stairs)
-watching Jack rip open the trampoline and seeing Jordan's look of pure delight when she saw the kitchen and opened the food
-eating pizza and root bear by the tree Christmas Day night
-delivering cookies to a few friends "secretly" Jack loved it and thought it was so cool to sneak away.
-Jordan's chocolate covered face after eating chocolate ice cream bonbons.
-dancing in the kitchen with the kids
Sorry for the late posts! Better late than never, right? I guess this means I don't have to post for another couple of months :)