Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Jordan lost a tooth! She was so happy and so proud. Finally catching up to her big brother.
We escaped to Carmel and Monterey before school started. We drove 17 mile drive, had a fantastic dinner on Ocean Ave and went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium the next day. The kids loved it! The jellyfish are always a favorite.
First Day of School!!!
Jordan couldn't be happier or more ready. After the first day of school I picked her up and this was our conversation:

Mom: Jordan, how was your first day of school!

Jordan: (thinking for a moment) It was the boringest day ever.

Mom: What!?!?!

Jordan: It was too short, I thought it was going to be longer. I wanted more projects and we didn't get any homework!

Then on the 3rd day of school she marches out of class after the end of school and announces to me and all the parents there for pick-up, "still no homework!" in a very dejected and matter-of-fact way. I'm happy to say that she does have homework now. If only we could get her to let us comb her hair and get to school on time :)
Jack had a fairly nonchalant attitude, being the big brother and the big man on campus (maybe not the oldest, but one of the biggest. He's in the navy hoodie in the picture below)