Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sir Ryan

Little Ryan is getting more mobile by the day and is getting more and more fun to play with.  The other day Jordan put this knight helmet on him.  He thought he was grand and loved it...for a minute anyway.  He is TEN months tomorrow!  He started really crawling in the last two weeks and is now standing up to everything and walking along all the furniture.  He also is standing up in his crib and screaming like a mad man during the night.  We've had the older two sleep in the living room the last tthree nights to have him "cry it out" again.  It's like the moment he wakes up he stands up and starts jumping in his bed and then doesn't know how to get back down and go back to sleep.  Fun times here at the Taylor house.  Good thing he is like the cutest little guy in the world.

Stanford fans?

So, we've become Stanford football fans this season.  Kent and I got to go to the Stanford/USC game and then Jack and Kent went to the Stanford/Arizona game.  We just ride our bikes down the road about a mile and a half to the stadium.  Jack loves watching football and can get a little emotional when the team he is rooting for doesn't win.  We've had fun following them this year, although our hearts are still in Cougartown. 

Whale Watching

When I heard that a blue whale had washed up onto a beach about 40 minutes from us near Pescadero, I knew I had to go and check it out.  It was incredible.  It was about 80 feet long.  It was injured by a boat.  It was pregnant when it died, so you could see the baby whale (in the last picture it is the long white thing you see to the left of the mom).  The kids thought it was fascinating, especially Jack who could have stayed and studied it for hours.  Due to the awful smell, I limited it to about 15 minutes before we headed to the other end of the beach.  Now I can imagine that Jonah really was swallowed by a whale.  Before seeing this incredible mammal, that story seemed a little "fishy."

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween 2010

Happy Halloween!  I know it was a week ago but we are still dressed up over here.  We had a great Halloween this year minus the traditional trick-or-treating.  Between Jordan's joy school party, Jack's school parade, class and school parties, and our ward party we got our fill of costumes and candy.  

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I like 'em BIG, I like 'em CHUNKY!

I like 'em round, I like 'em plumpy! That's our Ryan these days. (sorry, if you haven't seen Madagascar 2, then this probably isn't that funny). He is three months now and is probably 16 pounds. At 8 weeks he weighed 14 lbs 8oz., so the 16lbs is a guess, but he's not getting any skinner that is for sure. We love him and just want to eat him up. He is smiling a lot now and my favorite is when he starts cueing and talking back to me. (not like the other two talk back, just sweet sounds and I'm sure he is saying how much he loves me and thinks I'm the best least that is what it sounds like :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Katie's Cupcakes

My dear friend Katie made the most beautiful and delicious cupcakes for Ryan's blessing dinner. They were amazing and I had to make a special post just for her. Thanks Katie!!

Ryan's Blessing

March 7th:

Ryan's blessing day turned out great. Kent gave him a really nice blessing. We were so thankful to have all of our best friends there. After church we had dinner at Pete and Julie's house (big thanks to them for hosting us). I did most of the food, which was a little stressful, but not too bad. I owe a big thanks to all our friends for bringing the food they did and helping me get it all ready. I kind of felt all grown-up, arranging it all on my own. We had a fun evening talking. The star of the day (Ryan) was asleep in a back room during most of the night. We love Ryan so much and are so thankful he is apart of our family.

March 7th:


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More of our little (but quickly growing) Ryan

Ryan is getting big! My guess is that he is 13lbs. He seems to be doing better. He still throws-up a lot and seems a little fussy after he eats, but he definitely seems happier. In fact, he's smiling now! I kind of caught one of him smiling in that picture of him and Jordan on the floor. More pictures of Ryan's blessing day to come...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ryan update

I can't believe Ryan is already 3 weeks old. Time has flown by. We enjoyed two weeks of visits from my parents and Kent's parents. They were so much help. Jack and Jordan cried both times when each set of grandparents left. I'm a little nervous for this next week when I go at it alone. Ryan is such a sweetie...most of the time. I will admit that he is my hardest baby so far. He cries more than I remember the other two crying. He just seems to have a bellyache or gas or air in his belly. We're starting to figure him out though and we had our first 4 hour stretch at night last night :) He typically is up every 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Which means at 9:35pm I should be in bed sleeping instead of blogging. We love him so much and he makes us all laugh with his funny noises, cross eyes, and gassy smiles. He is already packing on the pounds and becoming my little chunky monkey. So far some nicknames that we have for him are: baby Ry, Ry dog, mister man, bugger, baby bear, and buddy.